Tuesday, December 18, 2007


www.campnaco.org website has additional information

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

U of A Professors, students, and volunteers begin architectural evaluation of Camp Naco, Oct. 12, 2007

Professors Brooks Jeffrey and J. C. Mutchler of the University of Arizona take measurements at Camp Naco, October 12, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 19, 2007.....Volunteers clean up Camp NacoNACO, Ariz. Chainsaws and weed-eaters buzzed as volunteers swarmed over an old Army border post Saturday.Local historians searched for clues to the past as they cleared decades of debris and desert vegetation that have nearly enveloped Camp Naco.For more of this story, click on or type the URL below:http://svherald.com/articles/2007/05/20/news/doc464ff15bcb242790367172.txt

Friday, May 18, 2007

Update on Clean-up

In lieu of an official CNAPC meeting, 13 people met at the Camp to discuss the requirements and the plan for the Clean-up on Saturday, 19 May 07.

On the advice of the Naco Fire Dept, it was determined that more effort during the Clean-up will be devoted to removing the hazards from around the buildings based on the increased risk of fire threat.

The plan is to begin at the southwest corner, having some begin along the Newell Street side and some along Willson Road side, and clear the small trees, brush, and trash around the buildings. The smaller trash items will be placed in the dumpsters, the larger items will be stacked behind the dumpsters, and will be thrown in later if there is room. The bio trash, brush, trees, etc, will be placed in the open area between the two quadrangles.
My sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported this.


Debby Swartzwelder

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Clean-up Scheduled May 19

A group interested in preserving historic Camp Naco met Thursday, April 18, 2007, at the Turquoise Valley Country Club in Naco. This was the first time this year most of us had all sat down together to review our progress.
The items for discussion included a bank account for donations, updates on grant applications, clean-up, creating a mission statement, having a Charette, etc.
There are currently two grant applications under review, one with the State Historic Preservation Office, and one with the Center for Desert Archaeology. Decisions on both are expected sometime in May, 2007.
While hopeful the grants will be approved, clean-up of the property is necessary, in any event. There is an awful lot of trash both inside and outside the buildings which must be removed.
Debbie Swartzwelder has lined up a number of Lieutenants from Ft. Huachuca to assist on Saturday, May 19, 2007. She will be contacting Home Depot, Lowe's, and other appropriate businesses requesting donations of trash bags, gloves, and such. Dave Perryman, Gene McCullough, and others will work with Debbie in coordinating the event.
MARK May 19, 2007, on your calendar if you would like to come down to Camp Naco to help out. Because this is an historic site, this will be a monitored activity, but help is welcome. Contact us for additional information, and look for announcements in the Sierra Vista Herald.
The group also agreed to schedule regular meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 4pm. If there is nothing to discuss, or a change in venue, group members will be contacted. If you would like to be kept informed, please contact us.
At this point there has not been any formal committee formed, but efforts are underway to create one that can apply for 501 (c) 3 non-profit status, allowing contributions to be tax-deductible.
Everyone acknowledges Huachuca City as the rightful owner, but having a 501 (c) 3 opens the door to so many grant opportunities that forming a non-profit advisory committee would be very helpful.
Chris Overlock presented a mock-up for a brochure describing the current status of the Camp, and will be in contact with other group members to work on revisions.