Friday, May 18, 2007

Update on Clean-up

In lieu of an official CNAPC meeting, 13 people met at the Camp to discuss the requirements and the plan for the Clean-up on Saturday, 19 May 07.

On the advice of the Naco Fire Dept, it was determined that more effort during the Clean-up will be devoted to removing the hazards from around the buildings based on the increased risk of fire threat.

The plan is to begin at the southwest corner, having some begin along the Newell Street side and some along Willson Road side, and clear the small trees, brush, and trash around the buildings. The smaller trash items will be placed in the dumpsters, the larger items will be stacked behind the dumpsters, and will be thrown in later if there is room. The bio trash, brush, trees, etc, will be placed in the open area between the two quadrangles.
My sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported this.


Debby Swartzwelder

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